/** * datepicker.js - MooTools Datepicker class * @version 1.16 * * by MonkeyPhysics.com * * Source/Documentation available at: * http://www.monkeyphysics.com/mootools/script/2/datepicker * * -- * * Smoothly animating, very configurable and easy to install. * No Ajax, pure Javascript. 4 skins available out of the box. * * -- * * Some Rights Reserved * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ * */ var DatePicker = new Class({ Implements: Options, // working date, which we will keep modifying to render the calendars d: '', // just so that we need not request it over and over today: '', // current user-choice in date object format choice: {}, // size of body, used to animate the sliding bodysize: {}, // to check availability of next/previous buttons limit: {}, // element references: attachTo: null, // selector for target inputs picker: null, // main datepicker container slider: null, // slider that contains both oldContents and newContents, used to animate between 2 different views oldContents: null, // used in animating from-view to new-view newContents: null, // used in animating from-view to new-view input: null, // original input element (used for input/output) visual: null, // visible input (used for rendering) options: { pickerClass: 'datepicker', days: ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''], months: ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], dayShort: 2, monthShort: 3, startDay: 1, // Sunday (0) through Saturday (6) - be aware that this may affect your layout, since the days on the right might have a different margin timePicker: false, timePickerOnly: false, yearPicker: true, yearsPerPage: 20, format: 'd-m-Y', allowEmpty: true, inputOutputFormat: 'U', // default to unix timestamp animationDuration: 400, useFadeInOut: true, // dont animate fade-in/fade-out for IE startView: 'month', // allowed values: {time, month, year, decades} positionOffset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, minDate: null, // { date: '[date-string]', format: '[date-string-interpretation-format]' } maxDate: null, // same as minDate debug: false, toggleElements: null, // and some event hooks: onShow: $empty, // triggered when the datepicker pops up onClose: $empty, // triggered after the datepicker is closed (destroyed) onSelect: $empty // triggered when a date is selected }, initialize: function(attachTo, options) { this.attachTo = attachTo; this.setOptions(options).attach(); if (this.options.timePickerOnly) { this.options.timePicker = true; this.options.startView = 'time'; } this.formatMinMaxDates(); document.addEvent('mousedown', this.close.bind(this)); }, formatMinMaxDates: function() { if (this.options.minDate && this.options.minDate.format) { this.options.minDate = this.unformat(this.options.minDate.date, this.options.minDate.format); } if (this.options.maxDate && this.options.maxDate.format) { this.options.maxDate = this.unformat(this.options.maxDate.date, this.options.maxDate.format); this.options.maxDate.setHours(23); this.options.maxDate.setMinutes(59); this.options.maxDate.setSeconds(59); } }, attach: function() { // toggle the datepicker through a separate element? if ($chk(this.options.toggleElements)) { var togglers = $$(this.options.toggleElements); document.addEvents({ 'keydown': function(e) { if (e.key == "tab") { this.close(null, true); } }.bind(this) }); }; // attach functionality to the inputs $$(this.attachTo).each(function(item, index) { // never double attach if (item.retrieve('datepicker')) return; // determine starting value(s) if ($chk(item.get('value'))) { var init_clone_val = this.format(new Date(this.unformat(item.get('value'), this.options.inputOutputFormat)), this.options.format); } else if (!this.options.allowEmpty) { var init_clone_val = this.format(new Date(), this.options.format); } else { var init_clone_val = ''; } // create clone var display = item.getStyle('display'); var clone = item .setStyle('display', this.options.debug ? display : 'none') .store('datepicker', true) // to prevent double attachment... .clone() .store('datepicker', true) // ...even for the clone (!) .removeProperty('name') // secure clean (form)submission .setStyle('display', display) .set('value', init_clone_val) .inject(item, 'after'); // events if ($chk(this.options.toggleElements)) { togglers[index] .setStyle('cursor', 'pointer') .addEvents({ 'click': function(e) { this.onFocus(item, clone); }.bind(this) }); clone.addEvents({ 'blur': function() { item.set('value', clone.get('value')); } }); } else { clone.addEvents({ 'keydown': function(e) { if (this.options.allowEmpty && (e.key == "delete" || e.key == "backspace")) { item.set('value', ''); e.target.set('value', ''); this.close(null, true); } else if (e.key == "tab") { this.close(null, true); } else { e.stop(); } }.bind(this), 'focus': function(e) { this.onFocus(item, clone); }.bind(this) }); } this.clone = clone; }.bind(this)); }, setMinDate: function(smindate, sformat) { this.options.minDate = this.unformat(smindate, sformat); this.options.minDate.setHours(0); this.options.minDate.setMinutes(0); this.options.minDate.setSeconds(0); this.options.minDate.setMilliseconds(0); }, refresh: function(){ $$(this.attachTo).each(function(item) { // determine starting value(s) if ($chk(item.get('value'))) { var init_clone_val = this.format(new Date(this.unformat(item.get('value'), this.options.inputOutputFormat)), this.options.format); } else if (!this.options.allowEmpty) { var init_clone_val = this.format(new Date(), this.options.format); } else { var init_clone_val = ''; } this.clone.set('value', init_clone_val); }.bind(this)) }, onFocus: function(original_input, visual_input) { var init_visual_date, d = visual_input.getCoordinates(); if ($chk(original_input.get('value'))) { init_visual_date = this.unformat(original_input.get('value'), this.options.inputOutputFormat).valueOf(); } else { init_visual_date = new Date(); if ($chk(this.options.maxDate) && init_visual_date.valueOf() > this.options.maxDate.valueOf()) { init_visual_date = new Date(this.options.maxDate.valueOf()); } if ($chk(this.options.minDate) && init_visual_date.valueOf() < this.options.minDate.valueOf()) { init_visual_date = new Date(this.options.minDate.valueOf()); } } this.show({ left: d.left + this.options.positionOffset.x, top: d.top + d.height + this.options.positionOffset.y }, init_visual_date); this.input = original_input; this.visual = visual_input; this.options.onShow(); }, dateToObject: function(d) { return { year: d.getFullYear(), month: d.getMonth(), day: d.getDate(), hours: d.getHours(), minutes: d.getMinutes(), seconds: d.getSeconds() }; }, dateFromObject: function(values) { var d = new Date(); d.setDate(1); ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds'].each(function(type) { var v = values[type]; if (!$chk(v)) return; switch (type) { case 'day': d.setDate(v); break; case 'month': d.setMonth(v); break; case 'year': d.setFullYear(v); break; case 'hours': d.setHours(v); break; case 'minutes': d.setMinutes(v); break; case 'seconds': d.setSeconds(v); break; } }); return d; }, show: function(position, timestamp) { this.formatMinMaxDates(); if ($chk(timestamp)) { this.d = new Date(timestamp); } else { this.d = new Date(); } this.today = new Date(); this.choice = this.dateToObject(this.d); this.mode = (this.options.startView == 'time' && !this.options.timePicker) ? 'month' : this.options.startView; this.render(); this.picker.setStyles(position); }, render: function(fx) { if (!$chk(this.picker)) { this.constructPicker(); } else { // swap contents so we can fill the newContents again and animate var o = this.oldContents; this.oldContents = this.newContents; this.newContents = o; this.newContents.empty(); } // remember current working date var startDate = new Date(this.d.getTime()); // intially assume both left and right are allowed this.limit = { right: false, left: false }; // render! booty! if (this.mode == 'decades') { this.renderDecades(); } else if (this.mode == 'year') { this.renderYear(); } else if (this.mode == 'time') { this.renderTime(); this.limit = { right: true, left: true }; // no left/right in timeview } else { this.renderMonth(); } this.picker.getElement('.previous').setStyle('visibility', this.limit.left ? 'hidden' : 'visible'); this.picker.getElement('.next').setStyle('visibility', this.limit.right ? 'hidden' : 'visible'); this.picker.getElement('.titleText').setStyle('cursor', this.allowZoomOut() ? 'pointer' : 'default'); // restore working date this.d = startDate; // if ever the opacity is set to '0' it was only to have us fade it in here // refer to the constructPicker() function, which instantiates the picker at opacity 0 when fading is desired if (this.picker.getStyle('opacity') == 0) { this.picker.tween('opacity', 0, 1); } // animate if ($chk(fx)) this.fx(fx); }, fx: function(fx) { if (fx == 'right') { this.oldContents.setStyles({ left: 0, opacity: 1 }); this.newContents.setStyles({ left: this.bodysize.x, opacity: 1 }); this.slider.setStyle('left', 0).tween('left', 0, -this.bodysize.x); } else if (fx == 'left') { this.oldContents.setStyles({ left: this.bodysize.x, opacity: 1 }); this.newContents.setStyles({ left: 0, opacity: 1 }); this.slider.setStyle('left', -this.bodysize.x).tween('left', -this.bodysize.x, 0); } else if (fx == 'fade') { this.slider.setStyle('left', 0); this.oldContents.setStyle('left', 0).set('tween', { duration: this.options.animationDuration / 2 }).tween('opacity', 1, 0); this.newContents.setStyles({ opacity: 0, left: 0}).set('tween', { duration: this.options.animationDuration }).tween('opacity', 0, 1); } }, constructPicker: function() { this.picker = new Element('div', {'class': this.options.pickerClass, 'id':'tarih_secici', 'onclick':'arama_over=true', 'onmouseover':'arama_over=true', 'onMouseOut':'arama_over=false'}).inject(document.body); this.pic if (this.options.useFadeInOut) { this.picker.setStyle('opacity', 0).set('tween', { duration: this.options.animationDuration }); } var h = new Element('div', { 'class': 'header' }).inject(this.picker); var titlecontainer = new Element('div', { 'class': 'title' }).inject(h); new Element('div', { 'class': 'previous' }).addEvent('click', this.previous.bind(this)).set('text', '«').inject(h); new Element('div', { 'class': 'next' }).addEvent('click', this.next.bind(this)).set('text', '»').inject(h); new Element('div', { 'class': 'closeButton' }).addEvent('click', this.close.bindWithEvent(this, true)).set('text', 'x').inject(h); new Element('span', { 'class': 'titleText' }).addEvent('click', this.zoomOut.bind(this)).inject(titlecontainer); var b = new Element('div', { 'class': 'body' }).inject(this.picker); this.bodysize = b.getSize(); this.slider = new Element('div', { styles: { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, width: 2 * this.bodysize.x, height: this.bodysize.y }}) .set('tween', { duration: this.options.animationDuration, transition: Fx.Transitions.Quad.easeInOut }).inject(b); this.oldContents = new Element('div', { styles: { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: this.bodysize.x, width: this.bodysize.x, height: this.bodysize.y }}).inject(this.slider); this.newContents = new Element('div', { styles: { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, width: this.bodysize.x, height: this.bodysize.y }}).inject(this.slider); }, renderTime: function() { var container = new Element('div', { 'class': 'time' }).inject(this.newContents); if (this.options.timePickerOnly) { this.picker.getElement('.titleText').set('text', 'Select a time'); } else { this.picker.getElement('.titleText').set('text', this.format(this.d, 'j M, Y')); } new Element('input', { type: 'text', 'class': 'hour' }) .set('value', this.leadZero(this.d.getHours())) .addEvents({ mousewheel: function(e) { var i = e.target, v = i.get('value').toInt(); i.focus(); if (e.wheel > 0) { v = (v < 23) ? v + 1 : 0; } else { v = (v > 0) ? v - 1 : 23; } i.set('value', this.leadZero(v)); e.stop(); }.bind(this) }) .set('maxlength', 2) .inject(container); new Element('input', { type: 'text', 'class': 'minutes' }) .set('value', this.leadZero(this.d.getMinutes())) .addEvents({ mousewheel: function(e) { var i = e.target, v = i.get('value').toInt(); i.focus(); if (e.wheel > 0) { v = (v < 59) ? v + 1 : 0; } else { v = (v > 0) ? v - 1 : 59; } i.set('value', this.leadZero(v)); e.stop(); }.bind(this) }) .set('maxlength', 2) .inject(container); new Element('div', { 'class': 'separator' }).set('text', ':').inject(container); new Element('input', { type: 'submit', value: 'OK', 'class': 'ok' }) .addEvents({ click: function(e) { e.stop(); this.select($merge(this.dateToObject(this.d), { hours: this.picker.getElement('.hour').get('value').toInt(), minutes: this.picker.getElement('.minutes').get('value').toInt() })); }.bind(this) }) .set('maxlength', 2) .inject(container); }, renderMonth: function() { var month = this.d.getMonth(); this.picker.getElement('.titleText').set('text', this.options.months[month] + ' ' + this.d.getFullYear()); this.d.setDate(1); while (this.d.getDay() != this.options.startDay) { this.d.setDate(this.d.getDate() - 1); } var container = new Element('div', { 'class': 'days' }).inject(this.newContents); var titles = new Element('div', { 'class': 'titles' }).inject(container); var d, i, classes, e, weekcontainer; for (d = this.options.startDay; d < (this.options.startDay + 7); d++) { new Element('div', { 'class': 'title day day' + (d % 7) }).set('text', this.options.days[(d % 7)].substring(0,this.options.dayShort)).inject(titles); } var available = false; var t = this.today.toDateString(); var currentChoice = this.dateFromObject(this.choice).toDateString(); for (i = 0; i < 42; i++) { classes = []; classes.push('day'); classes.push('day'+this.d.getDay()); if (this.d.toDateString() == t) classes.push('today'); if (this.d.toDateString() == currentChoice) classes.push('selected'); if (this.d.getMonth() != month) classes.push('otherMonth'); if (i % 7 == 0) { weekcontainer = new Element('div', { 'class': 'week week'+(Math.floor(i/7)) }).inject(container); } e = new Element('div', { 'class': classes.join(' ') }).set('text', this.d.getDate()).inject(weekcontainer); if (this.limited('date')) { e.addClass('unavailable'); if (available) { this.limit.right = true; } else if (this.d.getMonth() == month) { this.limit.left = true; } } else { available = true; e.addEvent('click', function(e, d) { if (this.options.timePicker) { this.d.setDate(d.day); this.d.setMonth(d.month); this.mode = 'time'; this.render('fade'); } else { this.select(d); } }.bindWithEvent(this, { day: this.d.getDate(), month: this.d.getMonth(), year: this.d.getFullYear() })); } this.d.setDate(this.d.getDate() + 1); } if (!available) this.limit.right = true; }, renderYear: function() { var month = this.today.getMonth(); var thisyear = this.d.getFullYear() == this.today.getFullYear(); var selectedyear = this.d.getFullYear() == this.choice.year; this.picker.getElement('.titleText').set('text', this.d.getFullYear()); this.d.setMonth(0); var i, e; var available = false; var container = new Element('div', { 'class': 'months' }).inject(this.newContents); for (i = 0; i <= 11; i++) { e = new Element('div', { 'class': 'month month'+(i+1)+(i == month && thisyear ? ' today' : '')+(i == this.choice.month && selectedyear ? ' selected' : '') }) .set('text', this.options.monthShort ? this.options.months[i].substring(0, this.options.monthShort) : this.options.months[i]).inject(container); if (this.limited('month')) { e.addClass('unavailable'); if (available) { this.limit.right = true; } else { this.limit.left = true; } } else { available = true; e.addEvent('click', function(e, d) { this.d.setDate(1); this.d.setMonth(d); this.mode = 'month'; this.render('fade'); }.bindWithEvent(this, i)); } this.d.setMonth(i); } if (!available) this.limit.right = true; }, renderDecades: function() { // start neatly at interval (eg. 1980 instead of 1987) while (this.d.getFullYear() % this.options.yearsPerPage > 0) { this.d.setFullYear(this.d.getFullYear() - 1); } this.picker.getElement('.titleText').set('text', this.d.getFullYear() + '-' + (this.d.getFullYear() + this.options.yearsPerPage - 1)); var i, y, e; var available = false; var container = new Element('div', { 'class': 'years' }).inject(this.newContents); if ($chk(this.options.minDate) && this.d.getFullYear() <= this.options.minDate.getFullYear()) { this.limit.left = true; } for (i = 0; i < this.options.yearsPerPage; i++) { y = this.d.getFullYear(); e = new Element('div', { 'class': 'year year' + i + (y == this.today.getFullYear() ? ' today' : '') + (y == this.choice.year ? ' selected' : '') }).set('text', y).inject(container); if (this.limited('year')) { e.addClass('unavailable'); if (available) { this.limit.right = true; } else { this.limit.left = true; } } else { available = true; e.addEvent('click', function(e, d) { this.d.setFullYear(d); this.mode = 'year'; this.render('fade'); }.bindWithEvent(this, y)); } this.d.setFullYear(this.d.getFullYear() + 1); } if (!available) { this.limit.right = true; } if ($chk(this.options.maxDate) && this.d.getFullYear() >= this.options.maxDate.getFullYear()) { this.limit.right = true; } }, limited: function(type) { var cs = $chk(this.options.minDate); var ce = $chk(this.options.maxDate); if (!cs && !ce) return false; switch (type) { case 'year': return (cs && this.d.getFullYear() < this.options.minDate.getFullYear()) || (ce && this.d.getFullYear() > this.options.maxDate.getFullYear()); case 'month': // todo: there has got to be an easier way...? var ms = ('' + this.d.getFullYear() + this.leadZero(this.d.getMonth())).toInt(); return cs && ms < ('' + this.options.minDate.getFullYear() + this.leadZero(this.options.minDate.getMonth())).toInt() || ce && ms > ('' + this.options.maxDate.getFullYear() + this.leadZero(this.options.maxDate.getMonth())).toInt() case 'date': return (cs && this.d < this.options.minDate) || (ce && this.d > this.options.maxDate); } }, allowZoomOut: function() { if (this.mode == 'time' && this.options.timePickerOnly) return false; if (this.mode == 'decades') return false; if (this.mode == 'year' && !this.options.yearPicker) return false; return true; }, zoomOut: function() { if (!this.allowZoomOut()) return; if (this.mode == 'year') { this.mode = 'decades'; } else if (this.mode == 'time') { this.mode = 'month'; } else { this.mode = 'year'; } this.render('fade'); }, previous: function() { if (this.mode == 'decades') { this.d.setFullYear(this.d.getFullYear() - this.options.yearsPerPage); } else if (this.mode == 'year') { this.d.setFullYear(this.d.getFullYear() - 1); } else if (this.mode == 'month') { this.d.setMonth(this.d.getMonth() - 1); } this.render('left'); }, next: function() { if (this.mode == 'decades') { this.d.setFullYear(this.d.getFullYear() + this.options.yearsPerPage); } else if (this.mode == 'year') { this.d.setFullYear(this.d.getFullYear() + 1); } else if (this.mode == 'month') { this.d.setMonth(this.d.getMonth() + 1); } this.render('right'); }, close: function(e, force) { if (!$(this.picker)) return; var clickOutside = ($chk(e) && e.target != this.picker && !this.picker.hasChild(e.target) && e.target != this.visual); if (force || clickOutside) { if (this.options.useFadeInOut) { this.picker.set('tween', { duration: this.options.animationDuration / 2, onComplete: this.destroy.bind(this) }).tween('opacity', 1, 0); } else { this.destroy(); } } }, destroy: function() { this.picker.destroy(); this.picker = null; this.options.onClose(); }, select: function(values) { var arama_over = true; this.choice = $merge(this.choice, values); var d = this.dateFromObject(this.choice); this.input.set('value', this.format(d, this.options.inputOutputFormat)); this.visual.set('value', this.format(d, this.options.format)); this.options.onSelect(d); this.close(null, true); }, leadZero: function(v) { return v < 10 ? '0'+v : v; }, format: function(t, format) { var f = ''; var h = t.getHours(); var m = t.getMonth(); for (var i = 0; i < format.length; i++) { switch(format.charAt(i)) { case '\\': i++; f+= format.charAt(i); break; case 'y': f += (100 + t.getYear() + '').substring(1); break case 'Y': f += t.getFullYear(); break; case 'm': f += this.leadZero(m + 1); break; case 'n': f += (m + 1); break; case 'M': f += this.options.months[m].substring(0,this.options.monthShort); break; case 'F': f += this.options.months[m]; break; case 'd': f += this.leadZero(t.getDate()); break; case 'j': f += t.getDate(); break; case 'D': f += this.options.days[t.getDay()].substring(0,this.options.dayShort); break; case 'l': f += this.options.days[t.getDay()]; break; case 'G': f += h; break; case 'H': f += this.leadZero(h); break; case 'g': f += (h % 12 ? h % 12 : 12); break; case 'h': f += this.leadZero(h % 12 ? h % 12 : 12); break; case 'a': f += (h > 11 ? 'pm' : 'am'); break; case 'A': f += (h > 11 ? 'PM' : 'AM'); break; case 'i': f += this.leadZero(t.getMinutes()); break; case 's': f += this.leadZero(t.getSeconds()); break; case 'U': f += Math.floor(t.valueOf() / 1000); break; default: f += format.charAt(i); } } return f; }, unformat: function(t, format) { var d = new Date(); var a = {}; var c, m; t = t.toString(); for (var i = 0; i < format.length; i++) { c = format.charAt(i); switch(c) { case '\\': r = null; i++; break; case 'y': r = '[0-9]{2}'; break; case 'Y': r = '[0-9]{4}'; break; case 'm': r = '0[1-9]|1[012]'; break; case 'n': r = '[1-9]|1[012]'; break; case 'M': r = '[A-Za-z]{'+this.options.monthShort+'}'; break; case 'F': r = '[A-Za-z]+'; break; case 'd': r = '0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]'; break; case 'j': r = '[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]'; break; case 'D': r = '[A-Za-z]{'+this.options.dayShort+'}'; break; case 'l': r = '[A-Za-z]+'; break; case 'G': case 'H': case 'g': case 'h': r = '[0-9]{1,2}'; break; case 'a': r = '(am|pm)'; break; case 'A': r = '(AM|PM)'; break; case 'i': case 's': r = '[012345][0-9]'; break; case 'U': r = '-?[0-9]+$'; break; default: r = null; } if ($chk(r)) { m = t.match('^'+r); if ($chk(m)) { a[c] = m[0]; t = t.substring(a[c].length); } else { if (this.options.debug) alert("Fatal Error in DatePicker\n\nUnexpected format at: '"+t+"' expected format character '"+c+"' (pattern '"+r+"')"); return d; } } else { t = t.substring(1); } } for (c in a) { var v = a[c]; switch(c) { case 'y': d.setFullYear(v < 30 ? 2000 + v.toInt() : 1900 + v.toInt()); break; // assume between 1930 - 2029 case 'Y': d.setFullYear(v); break; case 'm': case 'n': d.setMonth(v - 1); break; // FALL THROUGH NOTICE! "M" has no break, because "v" now is the full month (eg. 'February'), which will work with the next format "F": case 'M': v = this.options.months.filter(function(item, index) { return item.substring(0,this.options.monthShort) == v }.bind(this))[0]; case 'F': d.setMonth(this.options.months.indexOf(v)); break; case 'd': case 'j': d.setDate(v); break; case 'G': case 'H': d.setHours(v); break; case 'g': case 'h': if (a['a'] == 'pm' || a['A'] == 'PM') { d.setHours(v == 12 ? 0 : v.toInt() + 12); } else { d.setHours(v); } break; case 'i': d.setMinutes(v); break; case 's': d.setSeconds(v); break; case 'U': d = new Date(v.toInt() * 1000); } }; return d; } });