
Sales Contract


Soo Travel Dmc (Mondial) Flights
1. For date modifications which have been made till + 8 days before flight time, 35Euros will be charged per passenger. If any cabin class (Tarrif) difference exists, it also will be charged from customer, no refunds will be done.

2. For date modifications which have been made till 3-7 days before flight time, 85 Euros will be charged per passenger

3.During last 72hours to flight time, no changes can be done.

Other flights

For all our other flights except Mondial's, date modifications rules and modification fees resulted by date changes depends on each airline company and can be different. You can access the detailed information before your flight by contacting us.

Soo Travel DMC (Mondial) Flights

1. For cancellations which have been made till 3-7 days before flight time, 85 Euros will be charged per passenger.

2. For cancellations which have been made till +8 days before flight time, 85 Euros will be charged per passenger.

3. During last 72 hours to flight time, no cancellations and refunds will be made.

Other Flights

For all our other flights except Mondial's, cancellation rules and cancellation fees resulted by cancelling tickets depends on each airline company and can be different. You can access the detailed information before your flight by contacting us.


Flight hours may change due to various reasons. Therefore, passengers must confirm the flight departure times which contained during the booking prior to 48 hours by visiting our website, calling 0212 970 03 04 in Turkey and 0826 963 030 in France.


1. The term "ticket" used in this contract refers to passenger ticket and to the baggage receipt. These contract conditions and notices are the integral parts of the ticket. The term "carrier" defines all the airline carriers that are responsible for carrying the passenger and the baggage, as well as other services related to air transport. "Warsaw Convention", signed in 12.10.1929, refers to International Convention on the Unification of Certain Rules of Air Carriage and to Hague Convention, dated 28.09.1955, which changes the former convention. The rules of the applicable convention are applied.

2. The carriage that will be carried out according to the ticket depends on to the rules and restrictions about responsibilities defined by the Warsaw Convention when the carriage is an international carriage as defined by the convention or when it is also applicable for non-international carriages again as defined by the convention.

3. Unless contradictory to the rules stated above, every carriage and services operated by the carrier are subject to the applicable costs and rules stated on the ticket. They can be seen in the carrier's offices on request.

4. The liability limiting or removing conditions apply in favor also to the carrier’s agencies, staff, representatives or to the personnel and to their agency and staff that operates the flight for the carrier.

5. The checked baggage is delivered to the bearer of the baggage receipt. In case of damage to the baggage in carriage process, the complaint should be reported immediately as the damage is noticed or at most in seven days after the acceptance of the baggage. In case of delay, the complaint should be reported in 21 days after the acceptance date of baggage.

6. This ticket's validity is limited to the travel rules defined in the flight contract.

7. The carrier is responsible for transporting the passenger and the baggages with of possible speed and quality. The departure hours are not guaranteed and they are not included in this contract. In case of need, the carrier can use other carriers or aircrafts, change the connecting flight points or cancel them without prior notice. The carrier takes no responsibility for the connecting travels.

8. The passenger should comply with the official regulations related to the travel, show the necessary documents and be at the airport at the time defined by the carrier. And if a time is not defined by the carrier, the passenger should be at the airport early enough to complete the departure processes.

9. None of the agencies, staff or representatives of the carrier has the right to change or remove any of the provisions of this contract.

Herein information summarizes the responsibility rules applied by the Air carriers of the European Community, as required by the laws of European Community and by Montréal Convention.

• Compensation in case of death or injury

There are no limitations defined in case of a passenger's death or injury. Within this framework, the responsibility of the air carrier is calculated 100 000 SDR (approximately 123.000 Euro). This amount is for the death or body lesions caused by any accidents during the air carriage, as long as the death or injury is not caused due to the inattentiveness of the passenger. Beyond the 100.000 SDR, the air carrier can decrease or suspend its responsibility by proving that it had not made any negligence, had no fault and that the damages were caused by a third party.

• Advance payment

In case of a passenger's death or injury, the air carrier must make an advance payment to the relatives of the passenger within 15 days after the identification of the person that is subject to the compensation so that they can cover the first costs. In case of death, the advance payment amount cannot be less than 16.000 SDR (20.000 Euro approximately). This advance payment does not mean that the carrier takes all the responsibility, and it will be subtracted from the future payment amount. However, if it is proved that the person who received the payment is not authorized in getting the payment, the advance payment must be paid back. Likewise, if it is proved that the accident was occurred due to the passenger's own mistake or inattentiveness, the advance payment must be paid back.

• Passenger delays
Air carrier is responsible for the delays occurred in carriage of the passengers, however if it had taken all the precautions to avoid delays or if it is not possible to take this kind of precaution, it cannot be held responsible. In such a case, the responsibility is limited to an amount of 4.150 SDR (5.100 Euro approximately).

• Baggage delays
Air carrier is responsible for the delays occurred in carriage of the baggages, however if it had taken all the precautions to avoid delays or if it is not possible to take this kind of precautions, it cannot be held responsible. In such a case, the responsibility is limited to an amount of 1.000 SDR (1.230 Euro approximately).

• Lost, damaged or destroyed baggage

Air carrier is responsible for destroyed, lost or damaged baggages, and this responsibility is limited to an amount of 1.000 SDR (approximately 1.230 Euro) per passenger. If the mentioned baggage is checked, although the carrier has not any fault, it is still held responsible, as long as the baggage are not defective. In case of an unchecked baggage, the carrier is held responsible if it is found guilty.

• Higher responsibility limits for the baggages

In order to benefit from a higher compensation limit, the passenger must notify the airline firm before the boarding and pay an extra fee for the baggage with a value more than 1.000 SDR (approximately 1.230 Euro).

• Complaints about the baggages

In case of damaged, delayed, destroyed or lost baggage, the passenger should send a written complaint to the carrier and present the complaint the latest within seven days in case of damage, and at the latest within twenty one days in case of delay, from the baggage acceptance day forth.

• Separate responsibilities of the each contracting carrier parties
If the flight operator and the contracting firms are not the same, the passenger can apply for complaints. On the ticket, if any carrier name or code is not defined, this carrier is accepted to be the contracting carrier.

• Appeal Period

Any type of law of torts must be sued the latest within two years after the arrival date of the plane or after the planned arrival date.

• The basis of the rules indicated abo
The rules indicated above are based on Montréal Convention, dated 28.05.1999, which had been put into practice in European Community by the prescription numbered CEI 2027/97 and which had been changed according to the decision numbered CEI 889/2002, and that had been put into practice also by the member countries' laws.


Herein this informational note cannot be the basis for a complaint and it cannot form an interpretation of the European Community laws or of the Montréal Convention, and it does not carry the value of a contract between the carrier and the passenger. Herein the content of this informational note cannot be considered as a commitment of the carrier.


The carrier cannot be held responsible for some goods (reported or not) that can be found in your checked baggage, but should have been in a hand luggage of a proper size, such as: degradable medicine and substances, money, currencies, jewels, works of art, precious metals, silver goods, expensive clothes, valuable goods or other valuable objects, fragile goods, optical or photo equipments, electronical and/or telecommunication equipments or appliances, musical instruments, passports and identity document, samples, business documents, manuscripts, personified valuable papers and cash money. For some valuable items, a value addition cannot be declared. For more information, contact your carrier.


Your registration (boarding) cannot be guaranteed after the indicated hour. You should make your registration at least 30 minutes before the limitation hour.


This document is valid only with a flight contract. In case the passenger's travel ends in a different country or in case he/she makes a connecting flight there, Warsaw Convention is applied. This convention regulates, and in many cases, limits the responsibility of the carrier about the issues of death or body injuries, lost or damaged baggage. The carriage contract is also formed according to general carriage conditions applied to all travel routes, regardless of the departure, arrival and connecting locations. These general conditions of carriage can be found in the carrier's offices, and the passengers can get any information they desire about these conditions from these offices.

*If there is a mismatch and/or a difference in meaning between the version in Turkish and foreign languages in this agreement, the Turkish version is considered valid.

Cafébilet is a registered trademark of Soo Travel Ltd. Şti.

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Flights to Paris
Flights to Paris